
Oh dear, I really ought to blog now...

Ok, so first I gotta tell you guys that I decided to go back to writing in English. There are several reasons for this, but the main reason is that I like English sooo much more! I always struggle to find my words in Norwegian, while English is so much more describing. And because Im currently studying English I want to use every opportunity to get better at it. Soo... hopefully you will still follow me. I might write in both languages, but I really dont have that much text in my blog posts anyway.

Ive been sick for a few days, (stupid migraine) but I hope to be back in business very soon. In the meantime you can check out these beautiful illustrations by Abby Diamond. Check her out here.

Which one is your favourite?


motionocean said...

Skjønner godt at du valgte engelsk; så mange flere muligheter! Og hei, håper migrenen går over.. Ikke gøy! Ps. fooor noen flotte illustrasjoner! Ikke sett sånne før :)

Anonymous said...

Bare jeg kan kommentere på norsk er jeg fornøyd jeg :) Du får ha god bedring :D

Susanne N said...

Du er helt rå! Hvordan har du laget de fuglene, er det gode gammeldagse akvareller? Jeg likte den første best :)

Linda said...

Takk Sus, men de er ikke mine. :) Les beskrivelsen, så ser du hvem de er sine. :)

Hans Peter said...

I got to write someting in English then.
It's absolutely bravely done of her. Those who use so many different colours in one drawing are always brave. Well done!
I like the blue/green finch the most.