
Burning - Illustration Friday

This weeks topic for Illustration Friday.

Not very good at all, but it was fun to draw flames!
: Sorry, I promised to never diss my stuff anymore, cause I have a bad habit of doing that. Betty gave me a slap, so I had to change it. :)
I cant imagine how hard it must be to loose everything like that.


Mette said...

jeg likte den kjempegodt. :) bakgrunnen var helt rå! :)
veldig bra uttrykk på jenta også.

updates! <3

Betty boo said...

Det er bra! Fortsett med det;)

Likte tegningen jeg! Ække gøy om du disser den da, for da føler jeg at jeg har dårlig smak...

MrBibleHead said...

This is great Linda! It reminds me of the scene in Gone With the Wind when Atlanta was burning! NICE!

Unknown said...

This is beautiful, for some reason it reminds me of Europe during the war.

Not that I was there for that or anything.

Great piece.

:) said...

Enig i at bakgrunnen var helt rå!

SV: Seriøst? Hadde ALDRI tippet at det var dine farger. Jeg tenkte kanskje på Hilde, men droppet det. Tror ikke kvaliteten er sånn kjemepgod akkurat heller, men .... får henge til pynt og spre fargeglede!

Laia Jufresa said...

this is nice, and congratulations on changing your attitude, I know its hard!

gatheringwonder said...

oh, this is fabulous - great take on the prompt

do come and play at Whimsical Wednesday: http://dthaase.blogspot.com